Some Videos…

Take a look at some videos of past races…  fun stuff!

It’s Only A Game – From The OAG Archives: Belt Sander Racing:

“On April 13, 2002, reporter Sean Cole filed a story that has endured as a favorite here at Only A Game. Cole’s treatise on the New England Belt Sander Association (NEBSRA) began like this:

“Two by two, they come screaming down the 85-foot-long, waist-high wooden track, trailing rooster tails of sawdust and long, yellow extension cords that power them to the finish line.”

In honor of what’s been billed as the final NEBSRA race, we present the full audio from that story. “



The Village Got Tired

In 2014, Kenyon Woodworking called it quits on their 20-something year run of the New England Belt Sander Races.  For the complete story, take a look here, at the WBUR piece with the complete story: 

This Is The End Of Belt Sander Racing … Or Is It?

Well, there are just some things that shouldn’t be let go of, and this, we feel, is one of them.  Welcome to NEBSRA Gen2.0!  

We’ve got the track.  We’ve got the stuff to make the track work.  It’s game on!